If it's just a single targeted or not much AOE and you're stood behind, you'll probably WoTLK Classic Gold utilize your time of the wrath. If you saw advertisements that ran over you, you might be able to find over using your time of wrath, if that's the way you'd like to go. Reverberation does the exact thing.

In reducing the cooldown of your shocks, elements focus is identical. These are just swap positions, because elemental Focus now feeds into call the funder. We'll get down to in a minute elemental Fury is exactly the same , with the exception that it costs five points. Now instead of one. As you can see most of these are the same.

This is why I'm speeding through them since moving up and down between the tiers, or moved from one point to five points or five points to three points, mainly just to fill it out.

Therefore, you can't count on the fundamental theory in one place because they've needed to of bolster some of these abilities into multiple points to be able to remove other elements from the tree entirely or to move them. into enhancements , like TBC.

You've got Erfs Grasp which are in the second level which is currently I'll call it the flame is that simply because it's moved into the first the tier of enhancement.

There are a number of places where this happens in which you're seeing certain times to move from one tier and the sole tree that is over to an enhancement tree or vice versa and even the resto treesbuy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold  to the ones I'm merely glossing over because it's not all that vital.