Let's look at it you can see, there's lots of things, at least for me , to WoW Classic SoD Gold take into account before making those kinds of calls. But I've tested both the jury monk and the warrior. The jury is 65 My Brewmaster monk is at 63, and my warriors are 62. I've completed several dungeons and I have done all the dungeons on all of these tanks thus far. And they all feel pretty good.

There's a problem with Jordan monk on the PTR, or in Beta, I'd declare right now that my talents keep getting like reset. Also, I'm not permitted to select a new talent. Therefore, I'm just waiting for the bug to be resolved. So as I've ran into this issue on different characters, I've moved onto the next tank, and trying to test that as many as possible.

However, I'd like to get to like at minimum 65 on all my character before I make a decision on which is the best tank to play or the tank I prefer to play. The druid is going to start with the druid, the one you've always liked. Bear or if you've been enjoying the bear's style of play and nothing is going to change. This time we're getting a Moonfire build, which is very fun.

But again I'm on the opposite side of the argument that it's not going be practical, especially in high end content. Because the way the game works Moonfire build and how you create the tree simply does not make sense. It's also missing other benefits such things as damage mitigation, which is probably more important. look at property, for example, they do not really treat any injuries, but they mitigate so much damage. But the good positive news to Jared is that there's an incentive coming when he records this video , but it hasn't yet been made public at this time.

We're still kind of waiting. Therefore, I'm not going to make any judgement calls on the jury at this point. Are you having enjoyable? Sure. If you'd like Bear you'll find nothing crazy outside of your playing just a few more Moon fires than you did previously.

The next step is the monk. Now that the monk feels wonderful, there's lots of things that are shifting. For instance that we're losing some of the ways that Kurian weapon like weapons of order, kind of worked with a lot of the conduits as well as the different soul bonds that we were able to access. Monk is also getting a few things like rising one kick, for instance. Also, gaining that ability and also having the possibility of playing bonuses brews and weapons in order.

And it's almost like a raw, untouched state feel quite odd, considering that we have a ton of buttons. And it's similar to WoW Season of Discovery Gold your movement feels disconnected. It's not like it does align. However, like other things such as Rising Sun Kick, as of now, we're actually nuking things.