The basic idea is that this video here is a population check for WoW Classic SoD Gold 
the fresh rock service. It's possible that I'll do another follow-up to this video in the future, perhaps in a week or two. So we can check out the population and how many people are quitting like right before wrath comes out. So I've conducted scans here, you can see the effect as well as it's on lions, you can see that the time is up and it's 9:53am. My scans have been ongoing for two hours now. The scan started at 8am. It's almost 10am.

Now. It's 8am to 10:00am, on a Saturday morning which means not a lot of people are playing. But we have 3718 faculty members will find certain points I'd like to get you to be aware of and examine. In the beginning, we're studying the level of 60, and then a look at the percentage of players who are at the level of 60.

Plus on this survey, this will be crucial compared to the other survey or join store here that we'll look at afterward. Just look at the bar graph, I did not manage to get me under 20. Here, it just takes so long to scan because there are so many people online. It takes an eternity to finish any scan.Because, well when you're locked out, you can't complete your weekly tasks You know, the balances of the realm realm are low at the moment, you know, so my last video, selecting the right servers is really vital. Speaking of servers, queues are a mess right now It's a good idea to log on the prepatch got to do it in the early hours. However, they ultimately decided that when anyone is on a particular realm wins, the way it's going to function so far could change again isn't it? If anyone from the realm has a chance to win, then let's say well, the is one Alliance player or Horde player is the winner of Cheap WoW Classic SoD Gold their particular variation of Wintergrasp.