5. Best Elden Ring Weapons - Elden Ring X Pokemon Scarle||Arestame Arkeid

A full 1 remodeling of a large amount to Elden Ring Runes the characters, and living creatures in the game to look like Pokemon Scarlets, the player dressed in the school uniform torrent being replaced with Corydon who was looking quite a spiff.

Add black knife mascarata magma worms Skillet urge, and even wild small lives, just out in the field with their silly little faces and just tons of other Pokemon, just hanging around the game with even the walking mausoleums, just having a poker Center on top of them, because they can this is absolutely hilarious the whole way up and before you get your hopes up too high, it isn't playable to us at the moment, this is totally private project made by the person who created it and that any of us will ever get to actually take part in this masterpiece honestly, but there is no chance in the slightest.

The outfit is pretty good, but the karate on Torrent is extremely well done, and while the textures actually look way better than that Pokemon does even in its own game, and that is something that every Pokemon that's shown in here, even the chunk looks weirdly high definition in a way.

If you like Pokemon, and you like Elden ring, then this probably does a lot for Elden Ring Runes for sale you, it's just super cool.