This is probably one of the most straightforward builds in Elden Ring after Patch 1.06. You don't have to buff with Elden Ring Items anything, you literally just go in and attack. You don't have to block counter, you're not pairing, you're not like using a combination of spells and magic, you're not having to jump, you're literally just running in and just attacking you would maybe in a souls game. And you're being super aggressive because of high poise and high protection because you want to trigger those Rotten Winged Sword Insignia and Millicent Prosthesis. You want to trigger these by attacking really rapidly so you're just going to go in and just keep swinging and hard as fast as you can.

Elden Ring 1.06 Strength Dexterity Build Attributes

50 Vigor

20 Mind

30 Endurance


59 Dexterity

21 Intelligence


9 Arcane

You don't need anyfaith or arcane for this Elden Ring Patch 1.06 Strength build at all. There's no reason to addthem, so just you know don't worry aboutthose two stats. When it comes to vigor,we have 50 here, you're going to want toincrease this as you progress into ngplus, probably up to 60 or 65 becauseagain you are trading damage. Ifyou're using this armor set the wholeway, then you're basically capped out atthe amount of best site to buy elden ring items damage you can mitigateunless you add something like the RitualShield Talisman to your build. But your damage will probablygo down if you do that unless you changeyour armor set which you can. This will give you a larger health poolto trade damage with before you need tostep back and heal.