3. Board Ships for More Rewards
Rather than sinking damaged ships outright, board them to Skull and Bones Items collect extra rewards such as Repair Kits and Silver. Master the boarding mechanics to maximize your plunder without risking your own ship unnecessarily.

4. Upgrade the Crowbar to Farm Shipwrecks
Invest in upgrading your Crowbar to unlock valuable Shipwrecks scattered across the world. These wrecks harbor materials and Silver essential for upgrading your ship and enhancing your arsenal.

5. Auto Harvest
Streamline resource gathering by enabling Auto Harvest in the options menu. While slower, this eliminates the need for precise timing, ensuring you gather materials efficiently without distractions.

6. Sell Commodities in Demand
Monitor market demands in settlements to sell Commodities at their peak prices. Items in high demand fetch better returns, maximizing your earnings for Skull and bones items for sale online future upgrades and purchases.