Creating your first mobile app can seem like an overwhelming process but by breaking it down into clear steps, it becomes very manageable. In this article, we will outline the 10 essential steps to go from concept to launch for an app like Turo, the popular peer-to-peer car sharing platform. By following this process systematically, you'll be well on your way to launching your own sharing economy mobile application.

Step 1: Come Up with an App Idea

The first step is to brainstorm ideas and settle on a core concept. When coming up with app ideas, think about problems or needs within the sharing economy that are not fully addressed. Research what’s already out there to identify gaps or opportunities for a unique twist.

Some ideas that could work similar to Turo's car sharing model include:

  • Tool sharing - Allow users to list and rent power tools, lawn equipment, event supplies etc to neighbors.

  • Outdoor equipment rentals - Facilitate sharing things like kayaks, surfboards, campers, bicycles between users locally.

  • Luxury item rentals - Connect those with high-end goods like designer accessories, electronics, home goods with others looking to borrow items.

To assess viability, research market size and growth projections. Evaluate customers’ potential willingness to pay. Make sure the idea has not already been done well by competitors. Choose an idea with the best chances of profitability and filling a real need.

Step 2: Define Core Features and User Flows

Once you have an idea, define the key features and overall user experience. Create user flows or experience maps showing the steps a user will take from onboardboarding to listing and booking items.

For a car sharing app like Turo, the core features would include:

  • User profiles to showcase listings and reviews
  • Item listings with photos, descriptions, availability
  • Calendar view to browse and book available items
  • Messaging for request inquiries and booking confirmations
  • Payment integration for booking fees and security deposits
  • Rating and review system to provide feedback
  • Notifications for booking requests and itinerary changes

Map out how exactly new and existing users will sign up, search for items, inquire about an listing, complete a booking and give feedback post-transaction. Define what data is captured at each step.

Step 3: Choose Technologies and Architecture

With features and flows defined, select programming languages, platforms, and overall architecture. For maximum reach, build native iOS and Android apps.

Use a backend language like Python, PHP or Node.js for the API and database. Consider a framework like Django, Laravel or Express. Select a database like PostgreSQL, MySQL or MongoDB to store user and listing data.

Decide on an archtecture like client-server where thick clients communicate with a centralized server or serverless using services like AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions. Also choose payment and mapping solutions to integrate. Read more:

Step 4: Create Data Models and Entity Relationships

Design how data will be structured and connected by creating Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) and defining data schemas.

The basic entities for a sharing app would include:

Users - with attributes like name, email, phone, address, profiles pics

Listings - with attributes like type, title, description, price, availability calendar

Reviews - with user, listing and rating attributes to provide feedback

Bookings - linking users, listings and payment details for transactions

Model how these will connect and relate, like a user having many listings and reviews, a listing connected to many bookings, etc. Define attributes for each with proper data types and validation rules. This planning saves headaches down the line.

Step 5: Design App Screens and User Interface

With features and data models mapped out, create visual mockups and prototypes showing how the app will look. Design all key screens like registration, profile, listing, booking, payments and more.

Make the interface intuitive and accessible. Use consistent styling, expected interactions and positioning of critical elements based on design best practices. Balance simplicity and information hierarchy. Iterate based on usability testing to refine designs.

At this stage, create static mockups in Sketch, Figma or similar tools. Later generate higher fidelity interactive prototypes in InVision or Marvel to test with target users before development begins.

Step 6: Plan the Monetization Strategy

All apps need revenue to sustain development and operations long term. Evaluate options like paid subscriptions, item rental service fees or commissions on transactions.

For a peer-to-peer sharing app, taking a small percentage (3-10%) of each booking as the platform fee is common. You could also offer paid features or listing upgrades. Make sure any fees charged still provide value and convenience over traditional solutions.

Keep in mind both your revenue goals as well as providing a good experience for users. Test pricing assumptions through prototypes before launch. Consider promotions or incentives to gain early traction.

Step 7: Develop and Test Application Modules

With designs and models complete, start coding the actual application. Break development into incremental modules like user registration, profiles, listings, bookings that can be coded and tested independently.

For the backend, build out APIs for each module using the chosen framework. Frontend development links to these APIs via mobile app interfaces.

As each feature is built, test it rigorously through manual and automated means to ensure quality and catch bugs early. Only move to the next module once the current one is fully integrated and functioning as intended.

Throughout this iterative process of code, test and refine, maintain version control with Git. Also document APIs for future reference. Keep designs updated as features are built out.

Step 8: Launch Beta Testing and Gather Feedback

When the core functionality is complete, launch private closed beta testing amongst trusted users. Gather feedback through surveys, in-person interviews or issue tracking.

Listen for pain points in UX, difficult flows, bugs or unclear language. Observe how testers actually use the app compared to designs and assumptions. Make refinements accordingly.

Conduct multiple rounds of beta testing with different user sets to resolve major issues before a public launch. Consider incentive programs to engage continual testing feedback. The goal is an app experience ready for mainstream usage.

Step 9: Market your App for Launch

Create a comprehensive marketing plan to spread awareness. Announce the upcoming launch across relevant online communities and social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and niche groups.

Engage with influencers and key opinion leaders to gain early excitement. Setup a website highlighting features to drive app store traffic. Consider PR outreach to blogs and local media.

For launch, optimize app store pages with high-quality screenshots and description. Offer introductory promotions through the first few app ratings and reviews are critical for discovery algorithms. Partner with related websites or organizations for cross promotion.

Track installs and analyze user acquisition channels post launch. Adjust budgets accordingly to gain traction in targeted cities and regions. Ensure strong on-boarding in the app as well once installed.

Step 10: Continually Improve Post Launch

The work doesn't stop at launch - it has just begun. Use analytics to identify bottlenecks, inactive flows and low retention points. Continually iterate based on user behavior data.

Actively manage bug fixes, crash reports and customer support tickets. Release iterative feature enhancements prioritized through a product backlog and roadmap. Try experiments like A/B testing using a service like Optimizely.

Solicit ongoing feedback through in-app surveys and community outreach. Look for trends that indicate market shifts, competitive threats or new opportunities. Stay agile to changing demands by refining the product vision over time based on real user needs.

With continued improvements and focus on the user experience, you can grow beyond the initial launch momentum. The goal is long term engagement, repeat usage, positive word of mouth and ultimately a sustainable business.


While developing a fully-featured mobile app may seem like a monumental task, breaking it down step-by-step as outlined makes it feel more approachable and actionable. By thoughtfully planning features, designs, infrastructure and business model upfront, you set the stage for long term success.

Do not get discouraged by scope - start small, get something into users' hands quickly and iterate from there. With persistence and a customer-centric mindset, following this proven process can help turn your sharing economy idea into a viable application people love to use.