Many people would like to know whether I'll be playing with WoW cataclysm Gold in the near future. Truthfully, I don't have any information on this at the moment. As my next tournament is likely to be the grandmaster championship of the coming season, it's likely to be at the very least a couple of months from now. I'm going to use this time to rest and to determine if I'm remaining in the competition in the WoW Cataclysm Classic scene or not.

After Fight for the Future announced plans to hold a demonstration in BlizzCon, Blizzard issued a statement on the controversial decision. Although it sticks to its justification for penalizing players, the company has reduced the punishment by halving the time period of ban and restitution of his winnings. Player, Blitzchung says that he's not sure if returning to WoW Cataclysm Classic once the ban is been lifted. The original story continues.

BlizzCon is the home of WoW Cataclysm Classic, game announcements, fan events and cosplay competitions. The event is expected to be the site of another event: massive protests over politics. Following Blizzard's widely criticized decision to disqualify players for making a political declaration during a post-match interview gamers are organizing a protest that will be held at the event.

The digital rights organization Fight for the Future unveiled its Gamers For Freedom campaign. The website already includes tools such as a scorecard for businesses who have pledged publicly to block players from playing, and suggestions for games similar to those for players who wish to leave Blizzard. The group calls the umbrella demonstration that will be held at BlizzCon. You can RSVP to the protest on its Facebook page and be a part of the group's Discord channel."Blizzard and other companies that are engaged in censorship in the name of a dictatorial government will not be able to get away with buy WoW cataclysm Gold it," said Fight for the Future deputy director Evan Greer, in a statement. "They aren't aware of what Internet storm they've unleashed. We'll create an example of them so that everyone knows that putting freedom of expression and human rights under the bus in order to make more money won't be accepted."