Example of Unique Item Recipes:
Some unique items can also be created through vendor recipes, though these are much rarer:

Onyx Amulet: Sell one red, one green, and one blue skill gem, each with 20% quality, to a vendor to Path of exile currency receive an Onyx Amulet.
Prophecy and Vendor Recipe Synergy
In some cases, prophecies and vendor recipes can be used together to maximize efficiency:

Fated Unique Prophecy Upgrades: Use a prophecy to upgrade an existing unique item, and then sell the upgraded version along with other required components to complete specific vendor recipes.
For example, the prophecy The King's Path will upgrade Kaom’s Sign to Kaom’s Way. You can then combine this with other gear to use the best synergy for your builds or sell it for currency.

Prophecies provide unique opportunities to enhance or upgrade items, trigger events, or receive valuable bonuses. Vendor recipes offer a structured, reliable way to craft currency, equipment, and unique items by buy POE orbs selling specific combinations of items. Knowing how to use both systems effectively is essential for any Path of Exile player looking to maximize their loot and gear up efficiently.