Armed with this new knowledge he sets out on a train ride across the radiation scarred surface to find a new world above ground POE currency trade . As you explore you’ll have to use everything you’ve learned underground as you craft your own weapons and upgrade your gear to deal with the threats you encounter. This isn’t a world that’s been left standing while you’ve been gone. Societies, factions and entire new religions have risen while you’ve been away and, while there are threats, there are also friends to be made. You’ll can decide when to take a life as well as when to spare one, and these choices, along with who to trust will shape an uncertain future from your actions.

The choices you make impact the world around you, forming new relationships and opportunities, or creating entirely new dangers. But, the biggest choice you’ll have to face is just how far you’ll go and what you’ll do to protect your life, and those that rely on you. Will you sacrifice everything when there’s nothing left to lose? 

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Edwin Van Cleef
Okay, now I’m feeling like a monster. Freeze Mage and Miracle Rogue are two of my all-time favourite decks, and my first two choices involve running headlong at Jaina and Valeera with a big ol’ spiky nerf bat in hand. Edwin, however, has clearly become a problem since the addition of Counterfeit Coin and Razorpetal Lasher. Yes, those giant early Edwin draws only represent a small percentage of the total number of Miracle Rogue games played, but it doesn’t change the feeling that winning a game quite literally off the opening hand is not a rewarding experience, not to mention the feeling of abject misery when you’re the one staring across the board at a turn two 10/10.

If Edwin were to be banished to the Shadow Realm (sorry, wrong game), then Rogue would need some serious help in the accompanying expansion, as that small percentage of Edwin blowouts is one of the factors keeping Rogue strategies (outside of The Caverns Below) at a respectable win rate. Several cards would need to printed to assist Tempo or Combo Rogue strategies in order to keep them viable, because I'm pretty sure I speak for most people when I say that we don’t want to live in a world where Quest Rogue is the only viable archetype.

Fiery War Axe
I’m honestly surprised that this has stuck around for so long. Win Axe has been the poster child for autoinclude Warrior cards ever since the game released. From my perspective, this weapon ticks every box in terms of a card that should be targeted. In every Warrior deck? Check. Massive impact on a game’s outcome when it's present in the opening hand? Check. Immensely powerful overall? Checkerino. Come on, we call the card Win Axe. Win. Axe. How much more of an argument do I need to present?

The more interesting discussion is what Warrior would need in order to compensate for its absence. Early game plays are essential since the Warrior hero power is such a misery in terms of interacting with early board states. So in order for them to compete in the early game I would like to see some 1-Mana 1/3s or low cost Enrage minions reintroduced. This would enable fighting for early board presence and provide an added bonus of bringing cards like Cruel Taskmaster or Inner Rage out from the depths of obscurity to synergise and help contest the board more honestly alongside other existing cards like Armorsmith.

Mostly, I just want to have a different consideration against Warrior than what impact a Fiery War Axe draw has on my early-game. Surely we’re all bored of that by now?

Just go ahead and copy/paste the War Axe entry with the appropriate name substitutions. Innervate is another ridiculously powerful card that cuddles up with Fiery War Axe in all the same irritating categories. It offers a massive power spike when in your opening hand, juxtaposed with a miserably low power level as a late-game topdeck which accentuates the impact that natural draw RNG has on the game. Innervate has been an ever-present in just about every single Druid deck throughout the history of the game, and it creates absurd board states where the game is over before turn three without either player having to make a genuine decision cheap POE currency .