Sources: Valve Corporation, Steam Store, Steam Support.

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Last Epoch: A Rising ARPG Rival Set to Shake the Genre

The world of action role-playing games is about to witness a new player that promises to give established titles like Diablo 4 and Path of Exile a run for their money. Last Epoch, developed by a team of web developers and game-makers who initially connected on Reddit, is preparing for the launch of its full, 1.0 version, after garnering a devoted following and achieving remarkable success on Kickstarter POE currency trade .

What sets Last Epoch apart is its unique approach to development. The team at Eleventh Hour works closely with its passionate community to gather feedback and incorporate new features. This collaborative effort ensures that the game embodies the best elements of various ARPGs while introducing its own distinct flavor.

Last Epoch distinguishes itself from its competitors with an array of impressive features. The game boasts a plethora of character classes, talent trees, and a vast selection of unique items. Players can expect an immersive experience in the ever-evolving fantasy world of Eterra, where their choices shape the narrative.

Judd Cobbler, the CEO of Eleventh Hour and director of Last Epoch, highlights the team commitment to delivering excellence. He asserts that the 1.0 launch will set new standards for quality, gameplay feel, and visual excellence. Furthermore, Eleventh Hour plans to release substantial content updates every few months to introduce new end-game features, skills, unique items, and quality-of-life improvements.

Although the release date for Last Epoch has been postponed to Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Cobbler believes this extra time will allow for further polishing of the innovative systems and classes. The delay ensures that Last Epoch can avoid competing with other major releases in 2023 and offer players an exceptional gaming experience cheap POE currency .