Welcome to this interview where we will be discussing one of the biggest challenges faced by organizations today – the problem of uncontrolled unstructured data growth. With the rise of cloud computing, the proliferation of mobile devices, and the  internet of things (IoT) , data is being generated at an unprecedented rate. This exponential growth of data is posing serious challenges to IT budgets for storage as well as visibility in hybrid cloud environments with a growing number of data silos. In order to learn more, we at AITech Park interviewed Krishna Subramanian, Co-founder, President, and COO of Komprise.

She has extensive 20+ experience in addressing this problem and will be sharing insights on how organizations can effectively manage and store their data in a scalable and cost-effective manner.

So, let's get started and learn more about the solutions to this pressing issue.

Kindly provide your background and info on your role as the lead of Komprise

I am the COO, President, and Co-founder of Komprise. I have spent the last 20 + years as a senior software executive and Komprise is my third startup. I have successfully founded, built, merged, and acquired businesses to generate over $500M+ in new revenues. I've also worked in marketing and corporate development leadership roles at Sun, Citrix, and others.

Please share your source of inspiration for exploring various facets of technology

I am interested in finding elegant, easy-to-use technology solutions to customer problems that simplify customers' lives and allow them to do things that they never could before. I focus on enterprise infrastructure because this is the area where my co-founders and I have deep expertise. We aim to apply complex technical concepts in a way that is easy for customers to adopt and delight them.

Please brief our audience about Komprise and give us an overview of its solutions

Komprise is a SaaS solution for unstructured data management and mobility, founded in 2014. Komprise Intelligent Data Management is used by enterprise IT teams, particularly storage and infrastructure managers, to get visibility on all data across silos, and to understand key data characteristics which inform the best data management strategy. Businesses are literally drowning in data, and 80%+ of the data today is not in a database. This unstructured data is audio, video, genomics data, medical images, user documents, IoT and machine-generated data, and the like. It is difficult to manage because it has a wide variety of formats, it accumulates in many places, and due to the large volume that's generated every day gets expensive quickly. Komprise shows customers analytics on how their data is being used across data storage silos. Through policy it continuously right places the data in a specific location and tier of storage. This cuts costs while maintaining uninterrupted transparent access to the data no matter where it lives. For instance, by seeing which data is cold or rarely accessed, IT teams can create a plan for Komprise to tier it to cheaper, secondary storage in the data center or cloud. This typically saves customers over 70% on storage, backup, and cloud costs while ensuring a great, nondisruptive user experience with our patented Transparent Move Technology. IT teams can create a plan for Komprise to tier it to cheaper, secondary storage in the data center or cloud. This typically saves customers over 70% on storage, backup, and cloud costs while ensuring a great, nondisruptive user experience with our patented Transparent Move Technology. IT teams can create a plan for Komprise to tier it to cheaper, secondary storage in the data center or cloud. This typically saves customers over 70% on storage, backup, and cloud costs while ensuring a great, nondisruptive user experience with our patented Transparent Move Technology.

Read Full Interview @  https://ai-techpark.com/aitech-interview-with-krishna-subramanian/